Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tired of Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift... What can I say about her... I'm sorry if your a Swiftie, but I do not really like her. She is not my favorite singer. I will admit though she has a few good songs.
This 23 year-old was bullied as a child and that is how she started her music career. Swift begged music producers to listen to her songs live. When she was bullied she would go home and play her guitar. Taylor would let her emotions out through music. She would spend hours playing, sometimes even to the point where her fingers would bleed.
Even though she was bullied as a kid she still grew up to be very successful in the world of music. Her first album Tear Drops On My Guitar stole the hearts of millions of people. Now that she has been around for so long I feel like people are getting less interested in her country/pop songs. If you're a directioner (fan of One Direction), you already know the other reason why a lot of people are losing interest in her music and just in her, in general.
The public eye think that Taylor Swift is too caught up in love. She has had many boyfriends, including the famous Harry Styles from One Direction. People are seeing Taylor as a player. I don't think that she should be judged on who she dates but I also think she should just stop dating SO many people. It's like she never takes a break from her love life. I mean look at me, I have been single since October and I am still coming along just fine. You don't need a partner to have fun in life, friends and family is all you need.
An upside to these many relationship is that heartbreak normally gives more inspiration for writing songs. Swift just came out with her album "Red" this year. I think that this album has really pleased all the swifties out there. My personal favorite on that album is Ronan, the song about a little four year-old boy who died of cancer. It is a tear-jerker but it is an AMAZING song.(Link is down below) But that is one of the only songs that I like by her.
Sorry if a Swiftie is reading this, I don't want you to feel like I am completely trashing your idol. At least I said a few good things in there. Despite all Taylor's fame and success, I just feel like she is a grown women who has her mind stuck in middle school.
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Yours Truly,
Carrot (:

Ronan 'Live'-Taylor Swift

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